Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Into it!

Hey all!

Well just had my trainer for my Diploma of Management drop by - it was awesome fun we went through a book as I didn't have anything to mark on as yet (well only a tiny bit) and we had such laughs going through my module its called 'Manage Industrial Relations' and while its got a lot of information in it it's actually an easy module, so yah we had fun :)
She's an awesome trainer and she knows sooo much!

Also yesterday I sung all my exam songs through and yah! I got my Vocalise right! I have had trouble with it this year - can you believe I keep going to sing my vocalise from last year (I remember it!) - but yah I had got it over the weekend, that is, down to only getting a bar on the second line wrong, but yesterday I got it right! Yah!

I know all my other songs I just gotta really cement their lyrics into my head I have...umm....five songs I must know. And two extra's I gotta learn, I was dumb and forgot all about one of my extra's (I'd learnt the other one for the eisteddfod) so I learnt it like crazy this weekend and now it's all good :)

And yah I've also been learning a song called 'You'll Never Walk Alone' for an audition. Its a nice song but rather low for mesa (being a Soprano 1) I can sing it, but I have to call on my really mature voice to do so but I know it off by heart now too.

Its awesome because I had really been praying to God to help me with my songs (madly this past week) and its amazing how he is helping me! Amazing! I LOVE GOD!!!!

Gotta go though so toodles!

Love Me xoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bria!

    How did your audition go this morning? I'm sure you did well! It's such a big thing hey!? :) Was praying for you! :)

    Btw, my blog was deleted and I now have a new one: http://diamondsandpearls98.blogspot.com/

    ~Bri xxx :)
