Wednesday, November 30, 2011



I am sorry I haven't written in ages :)

Christmas is coming! I cannot believe how fast this year has passed!! Whoa!
Tomorrow is my nephew's 1st birthday! Wow! Can you believe he will be 1 year's old?? I can't!! Time has passed sooo quickly...he's already growing up...sniff...sniff! (Okay maybe I'm getting a bit too sentimental - lol)

Well! Bringing you up to speed!

Umm...well stayed home for the first three days of this week, to house clean - we baby sitted Jono (my nephew) on Monday - we took him swimming and he was so cute!
But then got into house cleaning. I am trying really hard to feel inspired and happy whilst completing common chores.
If I am not good at house cleaning now, who says I am gonna do it for my husband? I certainly will so I am drilling myself now!

But is anyone like me when somehow you keep the kitchen, lounge room, dining room, school room all clean! You even polish every piece of wood you can find (save the wall or floor) yet somehow you don't keep your bedroom up to date?
Sadly...that is me...(but under my bed is usually always clean!) Also I can honestly say that half of the mess is due to possesions having no where to go because the room is too small for Mikayla and I.
But still it's weird...okay even talking about messy bed room's is weird!

Moving on!
I was in the Chronicle because I got the part of Dorothy - I am Empire's 'Latest Leading Lady' heee!! Sounds soo big!
I get to meet the cast in about two weeks now...looking forward to it!! :)

Now having left you with all those random comments I have to go and get back to work :)
Sorry if there are any mistakes :)

Love Me xoxo

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Exam results

Hey all :)

Did I mention how my exam went two weeks ago? I can't remember...don't think I did...

Anyway quick 'briefing' I sung through my songs all good except in my Vocalise I made a mistake in the last bar on the second line of the first page. Dudes, I just sung what came to mind at the time and got through the bar and didn't make anymore mistakes - phew! But the rest of the songs I really enjoyed singing through, because the hall where we sing makes the voice echo and its really nice and I controlled my breathing nicely :)

Then we did orals and I wasn't too good at those...I totally mucked up the sight singing! Sad I know...I was so scared to do it because I've only been singing three years and never did any theory or sight singing lessons and I was worried this being grade 5 and all whether I would really be marked down because of it - but the examiner (who is really nice and is known internationally!) was good and pointed out what I could do to improve it all etc.

We had a chat about languages as well and he was really, really helpful. I love listening to our seniors in the singing world talk. They have soooo much experience and I love soaking it up! It was good - everyone else who was waiting for me in the other room thought I must have had a cuppa with him I was in there so long ha ha! - but all good stuff!

And today I got my results - I got an A. Which I am really pleased with! I was wondering if I'd get a B+ but as I've learned so much recently I had prayed about it so I was really trying to have the faith again :) and believe I was gonna get an A. God is so good in his lessons!

So yes...all good news so far I feel really blessed!!!

Love Me xoxox

Thursday, November 10, 2011



Well update on WOZ :) there will be 4 rehearsals a week starting from the 14th of January. Mesa gonna be a busy bee!! ;)

But we do have a 'meet and greet' a month from now when all the cast get together and we get measured for our costumes etc - how exciting?!!!

You can book tickets to see WOZ now! So get booking my dears!! Lol :)

I am gonna speed up my dilpoma so I get as much of it done as possible before rehearsals start because next year is gonna be sooo busy.
So far, obviously, for the first 3 months I will be doing WOZ, and I will begin the preparation (most likely) for my Grade 6 singing exam (eeks!) but also I will learn some songs for the eisteddfod and then we've got the theatre restuarant and then I will still be studying for my exam still and then the Christmas songs all the while I will be working 4 days a week! Wowsies....I do sound busy! Oh well! All for a noble cause!! Hee hee!! :)

But I will be sitting under the shelter of God's wings for all of it :) so I am gonna be safe and I am gonna have fun :)

''Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.'' Joshua 1:9

Love Me xoxoxox

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

God is good!!

Dear friends!

God has given me the chance to sing, act, and dance!! He picked me to play the role of Dorothy Gale!!! :) :)

I am soooo excited!
I got a call yesterday afternoon and the Empire Theatres offered me the role :) Yah!!! I am gonna be Dorothy!!! Wahhhooooo!!! I have thanked God a million times and prayed for Him to continue to help me!

He opened the doors for me to be Dorothy and it was soo amazing to watch Him at work with me! I love the lessons I am learning! I prayed that God would give me more faith and trust and He is!
I've always wanted to sing, act, and dance - but its a dangerous society to be in and I was obeying my parents by not pursuing it any further than they let me :) and God rewarded me for keeping his commandement. By giving me a chance, a taste of what it is like on a bigger scale than what I have previously done.

And to answer your question, Holly, there were two other girls who got a call back along with me - Anna and Megan - so you might know one of them? Because we only had to sing Over the Rainbow for the callback we weren't allowed to sing it for the first audition.
They were both younger than me...

But yes I just have to wait for an email now, I know in December the cast will get together and all and then in January we begin rehearsing.
So everyone book tickets to see the Wizard of Oz!! We will be performing in March :) Oooo!!

But I gotta go now!

Love (a very excited, happy, and grateful) Me xoxoxoxo

Monday, November 7, 2011

More news!

Hey all!!

Guess what?? I had a call back for Dorothy!! Yah!!

I had the day off work yesterday and I had been up and about but then I got really tired around 9 something in the morning and fell asleep and woke up to my mobile buzzing and going off - I didn't know what it was at first - but yah I answered it and the lady said she was just letting me know I had a call back but to put my panic button on as the call back was that night. Whoa!! So I printed the new pieces of script she emailed me and their version of Over the Rainbow (which is a bit lower than I have previously learnt but anyway) and yah went there and there were two other girl's going for Dorothy again. I had such fun! I relaxed - thanks again to God - and sung, and although I made a mistake I was just mature about it and asked if I could do it again. And then she would suggest different ways of singing a section and I would sing it again for her.

And then I did the script and she liked parts of it and then told me to make some parts full of even more emotion. She was really nice and funny the director as she explained what she wanted from me. Made the rest of the board laugh :) and yah then us girls went back in when all the guys who were auditioning for the Tinman, Scarecrow, and the Lion were in. There were 12 guys and only us 3 short girls...the director divided them in groups of 3 and then told us to stand with the groups. I got to be with two groups as of course there was an extra group of guys, which was awesome because I got to do everything twice, we had to sing 'We're off to see the Wizard' and do a bit of the script when the 3 rescue Dorothy from the room with the sand glass.

The Vocal director was like 'Come on girls we need you to really sing loud to out do the guys - come on girl power!' so I sung loudly!! Hee hee!! :) we had lots of laughs and I really, really enjoyed it all.

So yah I will write back when I know the news on how I went :)

Love Me xoxoxo