Sunday, October 16, 2011

What's up?

Hello once again! :)

So I hope everyone's been having fun lately!

I have been busy getting back into it all! There's nothing like burying yourself in work to forget things, and I am enjoying work at TEC at the moment :) so that's awesome!
But I am partly freaking out because my singing exam is in a few weeks so I have been singing tons lately!

This year I have had trouble with memorising songs and all - Helen says its down to how sick I have been this year. It really effects it all and she tested my blood pressure the other week just to try and figure out whether its low blood pressure or high and apparently I am backwards because my readings are higher when they are supposed to be lower and its pretty rare so we both determined 'I am weird all round!' Ha ha!! :)

But yes so today I am gonna, clean, practise my singing and do some work on my diploma. I am into it I have done my excercising today as well and my bible reading first thing and I love the feeling once you begin it right with God the whole day looks better!!! :) La la!!

Anyways thanks for all the comments I get followers! Its really encouraging :) And I've been checking out all your blogs too and they are sooo awesome! So whoever reads this blog should check out my followers blogs as well!

Love Me xoxox

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