Sunday, November 13, 2011

Exam results

Hey all :)

Did I mention how my exam went two weeks ago? I can't remember...don't think I did...

Anyway quick 'briefing' I sung through my songs all good except in my Vocalise I made a mistake in the last bar on the second line of the first page. Dudes, I just sung what came to mind at the time and got through the bar and didn't make anymore mistakes - phew! But the rest of the songs I really enjoyed singing through, because the hall where we sing makes the voice echo and its really nice and I controlled my breathing nicely :)

Then we did orals and I wasn't too good at those...I totally mucked up the sight singing! Sad I know...I was so scared to do it because I've only been singing three years and never did any theory or sight singing lessons and I was worried this being grade 5 and all whether I would really be marked down because of it - but the examiner (who is really nice and is known internationally!) was good and pointed out what I could do to improve it all etc.

We had a chat about languages as well and he was really, really helpful. I love listening to our seniors in the singing world talk. They have soooo much experience and I love soaking it up! It was good - everyone else who was waiting for me in the other room thought I must have had a cuppa with him I was in there so long ha ha! - but all good stuff!

And today I got my results - I got an A. Which I am really pleased with! I was wondering if I'd get a B+ but as I've learned so much recently I had prayed about it so I was really trying to have the faith again :) and believe I was gonna get an A. God is so good in his lessons!

So yes...all good news so far I feel really blessed!!!

Love Me xoxox


  1. Hi Bria!

    Well done in your exam! :)

    It's really inpiring how much you talk about God and what He's doing for you. I love reading your blog!

    ~Bri {Diamonds and Pearls}

  2. great job!
    hey, mikayla said she had a blog. i can't find the link any where. can you or mikayla (if she reads this comment) send me the link or something, so i can check out her blog?
