Saturday, July 30, 2011

About today


I thought I would explain a bit about my day for a change...

This morning, with a small group from the ensemble I am in, we went down to Grantham to present them with the money we had raised from our Theatre Restaurant, it was a good experience and one I was glad to be apart of. To help people who had been traumatized so, although we only went and chatted for about half an hour, sung a little of Thank You for the Music for them and then presented them with the money. I am sure a listening ear and a gesture that they are not forgotten is what might help them the most? God thank you that we might help them!

After we did that we went home and my sister headed off to Brisbane while my other sister cooked us a delicious lunch while I baby-sited my adorable nephew! I basically carried him about outside let him watch the dog, listened to him tell me all about his hat in his own 'baby language' then I played hide 'n' seek with him which was so funny as he kept on laughing whenever he knew I was around the corner he was coming up to (but boy it was tiring crawling everywhere instead of walking) then I fed him his lunch played some more hide 'n' seek then took him outside and he crawled about me and used me to stand up (sooo adorable!)

Then I helped Mumsie arranged her craft items for a 'photo shoot' then while she snapped the photo's I cleaned the kitchen (I am sure this 'every day' stuff is very interesting, ha, ha, ha)

After a cup of tea I went off for my walk - I was deserted by Gabbie and even my cat! They walked with Mumsie and Mikayla who walked behind me - but I was too busy hunting for the wattle flowers that are coming out. I love wattle flowers!!
They always come out late July/August (of course) and I love it! I used to look forward to it in Tassie and now here, their smell is in the air! There is a paddock across from our front gate and towards the back of it there are tons of wattle trees! But the only problem is I cannot pick any...because...I am too short! :( so sad...I found a tree full of them today and they looked sooo soft and I love burying my face in them (no matter how weird that sounds) but I could - not - reach - them! Boo hoo...

I'll have to hunt deeper for a tree I can actually reach the first limbs of, or at least climb, wattle trees are normally pretty skinny and tall! Or maybe I'll take my 'trusty 'n' tall' brother for a walk...he could reach...yah! :) I must have a bunch! They disappear quickly and don't even last long in a vase - but at least I'll have a bunch! Perhaps its the memory of Tassie that's in them that makes me love them so much...I dunno...but wattle flowers and wild cherry tree blossoms really make me feel happy! Cherry blossoms are the first sign that 'spring is in the air' how exciting!!

But I'll end there before I get carried away with flowers etc - sorry if this bores you! I am sure there are plenty of people out there who agree with me though! :)

Love Me

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