Thursday, July 21, 2011


Hello once again,

I have been thinking of how to feel inspired and have a fresh outlook on your day or what you are doing when you're feeling like I do right now...

Sniff...sniff...I am getting another cold...and I have to type up a whole module on website management...yah when you're feeling gluggy, your head is feeling stuffy and you have to sit down and type up info on a subject you are not at all feeling 'into' what do you do?

In my case I cannot go 'scrap the module I'll design instead' no I have a deadline and it has to be done! As I mentioned earlier (I think)

But perhaps there a little things you can do that will make it easier and even almost like a 'light weight' on your shoulders. I am sorry if I don't make sense.


Well No.1

Its a 'Pray Point' - pray that God gives you (me) a fresh mind and inspiration to take on the module (in my case) and be thankful I have the opportunity to learn!

Once you've prayed the road is already step is to try and make the life around you inspirational. Perhaps where you're sitting?

No2. Find a good spot to study and perhaps set up a plate of yummy food with tea or coffee. If you're having tea - well mumsie and I are into the 'english style of everything' and so we have the tea pot and the tea cups, so I would be having tea - but set yourself up! Just not to the point of distraction...

No3. Of course set up a music list suited to you, preferrable not songs that will make you want to jump up and dance (a weakness of mine, result? My module remains untouched)

No4. Like we all know 'take regular breaks' a break for me might even last half an hour I would jump into my walking shoes and power walk away with the dog (and funny enough my cat 'my little baby' loves going on walks with me although he is sooo slow)

But yeah...obvious tips to a point but some we forget about and get 'bogged down' in our modules - I swear I have nightmares about 'website modules and their deadlines' - but its all good! :)

I gotta go,
Love Me

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