Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mikayla Hilda

'She is number 4' heee sorry it sounded like the movie 'I am Number 4' I couldn't help it :)

Yes Mikayla comes in before me, she'll be 21 next year in March. And for her the count down is already on. She is always counting down the days to her birthday and she always has her birthday meal decided months before! Unlike me who doesn't even think about it until the week before for shopping purposes - lawl!

Mikayla is definitely phlegmatic and...yeah melancholy as well...I think every human being has melancholy in them! ;)


A serving heart
Wonderful cook! (yumsie!)
Sweet smile

Mikayla and I share a room so I know her pretty much through and through, she is my bed time lullaby she literally talks me to sleep. She remembers every birthday that anyone has ever told her! Seriously she gives Benjamin and me quiz's on 'who's birthday is it in August etc?' after about two years I am finally remembering them!

She's one of those girls who eats like a horse and is as skinny as a pole! I don't know how she does it! Lawl!

With Mikayla I can be relaxed, laugh, sing, dance, let go and be slightly crazy because she doesn't think its weird. Thanks Mikayla :)

Love Me

p.s I think all my sisters are absolutely beeeaaauuuuttttiiiifffffuuulllll!!!!

1 comment:

  1. they most certainly are! i love these posts on your siblings! great idea, bria : )
