Monday, August 1, 2011

I got a bunch!


I got a bunch of wattle flowers today! I was walking and once again had to wait for my super duper slow cat so Gabbie and I detoured into a paddock and I found a tree that had a branch heavy with flowers hanging over a fallen tree! :) I just climbed onto the fallen tree and picked away! So now I have a bunch in a vase on my bedside table...

Thought I'd mention, this weekend my family and I are volunteers at this charity walked called Go the Extra Mile held by Gospel for Asia.
It's a 5okm walk (one's hosted in Melbourne somewhere and this one is hosted in Brisbane) basically it's people walking the 50km to raise money for the Dalit children of India. We're at one of the pitstops and we ensure that every walker that has left pitstop 1 reaches pitstop 2 and then we have food and drink waiting for them. And then when everyone has left for pitstop 3 we clean up and then we're on 'sweeping duty' we have to walk from pitstop 2 to 3 as well and take down all the little tags that point out the way :)
I think it is such a wonderful and worthwhile thing to be apart of! I want to walk it one year. It would be awesome to get a group together and walk it. You don't have to do the whole 50kms (you'd need a lot of training to do that and good shoes!) so you can just go to pitstop 2 or 3 (as there are 4) but would be a good thing to do! Mesa thwinking abwout it....

Well I gotta go!

Love Me

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