Saturday, August 13, 2011

Once again...


Ah...feeling slightly low because don't you hate it when you get disappointed? I've watched something happen a certain way twice this year and I just watched/heard it happen again and its so disappointing when you want to believe someone is better or different and find they are definitely only human and despite their words 'oh look it happened again'

That's when you really wish...

But wishes may as well be the same as saying 'good luck' and in my world 'there's no such thing as luck'

But three times over seals the deal! Say hello to the shell again while remembering things happen for a reason no matter how disappointing they are...sad smile but I expected it in the first place and was waiting for it yet...hoping things would be better and different. Sometimes its the saddest thing in the world to have a dry prediction come true. Oh well! Still praying things aren't as they seem :)


Love Me

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